Neuro program positively affects the nervous system

It has an analgesic effect and strengthens the muscular system. In addition, it positively affects neurocognitive function, concentration and mental health: relieving depression, stress and sleep disorders.

How does it work?

Vitberg RS2 vibrations act on muscle sensory receptors, causing, among other things, alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles. In this way, they not only activate and strengthen the musculoskeletal system, but also relieve pain and improve range of motion. In addition, they positively affect cognition, sleep quality and mood – relieving anxiety or depression.

When and for whom?

The Neuro program – due to its wide application – can be an element of physical rehabilitation (e.g. protect against the effects of immobilization, improve the range of motion), pain relief, and is also directed to all people suffering from ailments related to cognitive slowdown, depressed mood, sleep problems, excessive stress.


According to Japanese researchers, properly timed whole-body vibration improves cognitive function in older people by about 20% and has a positive effect on mood. These effects were achieved in people using 10-minute sessions of vibrotherapy for 8 weeks.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Perceptible effects from 1 treatment

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

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Vibrotherapy in pain management – what's the science behind it?

One long-established method of pain relief is vibrotherapy. This is a therapeutic and preventive therapy that incorporates a specialized vibrotherapy device, with which vibrations in the form of small mechanical vibrations are applied to the patient’s body. Many articles on this topic can be found in our Pain Treatment section.

Nowadays, vibration massage is popular among doctors and professionals around the world. 

During treatment, the body is forced into appropriate general and local responses in reaction to vibrotherapy, and rehabilitation takes place in the tissues directly treated and systemically, affecting internal organs. 

Pain - definition

Pain is a complex sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue damage or threat to the body. It is an alarm signal sent by the nervous system in response to stimuli that could potentially harm the body. There are many types of pain, including acute, chronic, neuropathic and other pain. Mechanisms of pain include nerve signal transmission, information processing in the brain and emotional responses.

Pain can play an important diagnostic role, informing us of health problems, while also being an important motivational factor, prompting us to avoid potentially dangerous situations. It is also an important area of medical research, as understanding it is crucial to the effective treatment of many conditions.

How vibrotherapy can relieve chronic joint and muscle pain

Vibrotherapy. This is a therapeutic and preventive therapy that incorporates a specialised vibrotherapy device with which vibrations in the form of small mechanical vibrations are applied to the patient's body. For many articles on this topic, see our Pain Treatment section.

During treatment, the body is forced to respond to vibrotherapy with appropriate general and local reactions, and rehabilitation takes place in the tissues directly treated and systemically, affecting internal organs. 

Dynamic and rapid rehabilitation can produce the first effects of treatment in as little as 3 days. Depending on the parameters (frequency, vibration amplitude), treatment effects vary. In addition to pain control, its main purpose is to increase blood circulation, improve muscle tone or have a metabolic effect.

Home-based rehabilitation

Vitberg RS2 with the Neuro programme is not just a pain reliever, but a comprehensive tool to improve overall health. In addition to pain relief, the Neuro programme offers additional functionality that has a positive impact on various aspects of health.

Muscle strengthening is an important element, as strong muscles support the musculoskeletal system, improve posture and can counteract many musculoskeletal complaints. Protection against the effects of immobilisation is important, especially for people who have to stay in one position for long periods of time, preventing the negative consequences associated with lack of movement.

Reducing complaints of reduced concentration and neurocognitive impairment is an aspect that affects the quality of mental life. Improved concentration can contribute to better mental performance and overall cognitive performance.

In short, the Vitberg RS2 with Neuro programme is a comprehensive solution that not only relieves pain, but also puts a premium on improving the patient's overall health and well-being.

